Pepe Thanks You!
Our very happy sponsor child, Pepe Bonita from Uganda is wearing new stockings and brand new shoes thanks to your donations to or past causes! 😄
SACU tries to purchase shoes once a year. They have always been refurbished shoes. This was the first time the shoes were brand new with tags still on. Only $20 a child but when you have 145 children it adds up. Some sponsors sent extra money for shoes, socks and uniforms and the students really appreciated it. Thank you! SACU didn't have the money for shoes for all the children as they were about $1,300 short but how can thry just buy for some and not others? All children will receive shoes. FYI - They also only get 1 pair of socks a year wearing them 5 days a week. Thank you everyone for your support in helping make this a reality for our dear Pepe and other SACU students