I cannot say that I know everything, I do not but I can share what I do know and what I have experienced. My opinions and views cant still share a glimpse of light and hope.
Depression is a dark and twisted time for everyone who has ever had to deal with it or is dealing with it. I faced that demon and I made it out but not without some scars of my own. Some are not as lucky as that. I managed to beat my depression in a year, and the worst part is, that is quick. There are others that go through that battle for their entire life.
Depression will corrupt and turn your mind against you. It is hard to find the light in your darkest moments. Finding the strength inside to keep going, to find what there is to fight for is not easy but it is what has to be done; at least for me it was fighting to find what it is that truly makes me happy.
When I faced the darkest and lowest part of myself, I became angry with myself, with everyone and everything around. There was nothing that could change that and as much as I hated being angry, I could not stop. Understanding it is difficult and for those seeing it from the outside, they could never know what is happening, and in some cases think we should just get over it and stop being dramatic. Depression is a delicate situation where you need to surround yourself with support and caring from the people around you.
If they do not give you that, then find people who do, they are a part of what helps you find yourself. It comes in different forms, and there are different ways of coping and dealing with it. There is no best way to get past it, everyone is different, it is up to you t realize what you need. Mine was to stop trying so hard to control what was around me and to just let myself enjoy what already was.
Appreciating the little things rather than expecting some great big thing to happen to make me happy. It sounds so simple to achieve that but it took me a year to figure that out. It’s remembering that you are not alone, even when it feels like you are the only person in the world. It’s appreciating the moments that seem so insignificant. Its letting yourself feel when all you want to do is close yourself off.
Take chances, take risks, for goodness sake take risks! Have fun, smile when you do not want to. That smile can shatter that built up dread and barriers.
Hold onto hope, you can do it, you have to fight for it.
Sincerely Yours,
ThinkoutsidetheboxLife (aka Shelby)
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